Body Solutions Body

How to Hire a Trainer in Overland Park KS?

How to Hire a Trainer in Overland Park KS? What do I look for when hiring a personal trainer?  This is a really common question.  What to look for, what certifications are good, do I need a trainer with a degree, etc.  Like all industries you...

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How Bad is Alcohol for me Really??

How Bad is Alcohol for me Really?? Besides that fact that you could end up like the guy in the pic on the right, the answer is usually the same, "terrible!"  But perhaps a little education on why that's our answer.  A majority of clients come...

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What is the deal with Caffeine?

What is the deal with Caffeine?  "So what is the deal with caffeine?  I hear many different uses and terms but not sure what any of them mean. " Well lets look at what it is, does and what its used for.  Now keep in mind...

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You May Need HCL!

 You may need HCL.. Today now more than ever so many people are handicapped by poor diets.  This creates a wicked roller coaster of not being able to absorb nutrients, becoming more hungry, less nourished, can't recover, cannot put on lean tissue or take off...

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Can you Get rid of Cellulite?

Can you get rid of Cellulite? As you can imagine we deal with this often at Body Solutions.  And we all know those people who exercise all the time, eat clean and still have a bit of unwanted cottage cheese some where on the legs.  So...

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4 Reasons Why You Have to Eat Organic Meats

4 Reasons Why You Have To Eat Organic Meats  So we hear this alot, organic this organic that.  But why?  Ideally you would eat all items organic but if that is not feasible either because of your budget or proximity to an organic grocer at the...

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Zinc your best friend!

 Zinc Your Best Friend! We get asked often which supplements do what, how much of this should I take, does this new potion work for fat loss, etc. etc.   But basic fundamental vitamins and minerals are often overlooked as they are not quite sexy enough.  However,...

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