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In-Person Coaching
Apply Now | Body Solutions
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Body Solutions Program Application
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Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
What is your Occupation?
What is your Age, Height, and Weight?
What are the most important goals (in terms of success with fitness) that you’re looking to accomplish within the next 6 months?
Why do you think you haven’t accomplished these goals yet? (Be honest!)
What is your level of commitment to accomplish your goals? This is CRUCIAL! If you are not at least a 4, now is not the right time.
1 – Just started thinking about it
2 – Been thinking, just getting more info
3 – I am on the fence but would put "x" before my workouts if "x" came up
4 – I am really committed and I need to do this
5 – Totally committed, I am ready, nothing is getting in my way!
If accepted into one of programs, are you currently in a place where you’re able and ready to make an investment in your health and fitness goals for your future for the next 90 days?
Assuming we have a match and you wish to move forward in the process, the next step is a 10 minute phone call. List some days and times that work best (along with your time zone) and we will email you to confirm and set up a call. This call will be used to be sure you are a good fit for our program.