Articles | 3/5 | Body Solutions

Paleo Carbs Part 1

This will be a large amount of info so we are going to break it up into small portions.  This week we discuss fruits and veggies or also known as fiberous carbs. Next week we discuss starchy carbs also known as starches. So here from page...

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Paleo Protein List

  So as discussed earlier, the next few weeks we will be laying out different Paleo macronutrient sources (protein, carbs and fats) both from the pure Paleo crowd and a modified approach we use with clients with explanations why. So this week we discuss the list of...

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How this happened…

How did this transformation happen? We know many people are curious how this happened, so we interviewed Beth White, the amazing trainer responsible for this to get her take! Q.  Wow this is pretty awesome Beth, how long did this take and how many days a week...

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Modified Paleo Food Choices

  Over the next few weeks we will be laying out Paleo proteins, carbs and fat choices from the Paleo book and will explain a few modifications we make and why.  These modifications are based on an individual, his/her medical back ground and hormonal needs. In our previous posts...

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Gluten Free Challenge

  Gluten free is an important concept to understand.  Yes there is tons of "research" and studies to show its bad for you; your digestion, your skin, your neurotransmitters and has been linked to 55 different diseases.  But some people still aren't convinced they should leave...

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Why men lost fat faster than women…

  We have all seen those commercials, “my  husband cut out soda and lost 30 lbs, I exercise, eat perfect and lost 2!”  This is very common in our nutrition programs as well.  Wife comes in, works with us and is doing well.  The husband, to...

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Important Fat Loss Tips

Why is  resistance training so important for fatloss?  There a several reasons but here are two very important ones. a) Exercise increases glucose receptors without help of insulin, which makes you very insulin sensitive.  Eating starch and carbs pwo helps build muscle and will not be...

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Low Carb Paleo Options

In general Paleo is a low carb diet (provided you keep fruit to two or less servings a day and concentrate on meat, healthy fats and veggies.) Its great for fatloss, type II diabetes, insulin based PCOS, hashimoto's thyroiditis, and a host of other health...

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Do Calories Count?

Originally I was going to cover protein today, but since I received several questions about calories I thought I would cover that instead.  First, I will share that this observation is based on over 11 years of working with clients, and over 20,000 hours of...

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