Paleo Carbs Part 1 | Body Solutions

Paleo Carbs Part 1

This will be a large amount of info so we are going to break it up into small portions. 
This week we discuss fruits and veggies or also known as fiberous carbs. Next week we discuss starchy carbs also known as starches.
So here from page 110 of the Paleo Diet book  is the fruits and veggie list.  We will make a few (as there are many) modifications but here is where we start.
Fruit modifications:
For people with insulin sensitivity issues ( people who have a hard time putting glucose where it should go and easily storing it almost exclusively in fat cells) and those wanting to lose weight,  we actually use a smaller list of fruits.  We use low sugar fruits like apples, pears, all berries, and some citrus fruits.  We do not let them eat every fruit on the list based on the large glycemic response some really high sugar fruits (like canteaploupe) can create.  We also do not give them unlimited servings, more like 2 to 3 depending on activity level, body fat and blood glucose history.
The other fruit modification would be avoiding grapefruits for those on certain medications as grapefruit and drug reactions are quit common and broad.  Here is an article describing more meds and reactions in detail from It boils down to poor phase 1 liver detox but thats much too long for this article.
Also based on a person’s digestive background and gut health we might limit tomatoes.  Tomatoes and other night shades can aggravate a sensitive stomach.  Healthy individuals we do not typically monitor tomato or night shade use.
Veggie modifications:
We do not make too many here as most people have very few issues with veggies.  We actually recommend most of your intake of 9 cups a day be green and from the cruciferous family.  These contain a chemical called DIM which helps with healthy estrogen metabolism.
Again there are many more modifications we can make based off an individuals response and their food sensitivity results but here is where we start with most people.  Bottom line, listen to your body.  If you eat something and notice stomach issues or you lack energy then chances are something you ate you have issues with.
Till next time!

apple passion fruit
apricot peaches
avocado pears
banana persimmon
blackberries pineapple
blueberries plums
boysenberries pomegranate
cantaloupe raspberries
carambola rhubarb
cassava melon star fruit
cherimoya strawberries
cherries tangerine
cranberries watermelon
figs lime
gooseberries lychee
grapefruit mango
guava nectarine
grapes orange
honey dew melon papaya
kiwi all other fruits
lemon tomato
artichoke mushrooms
asparagus mustard greens
beet greens onions
beets parsley
bell peppers parsnip
broccoli peppers
brussels sprouts pumpkin
cabbage purslane
carrots radish
cauliflower rutabaga
celery seaweed
collards spinach
cucumber squash
dandelion swiss chard
eggplant tomatillos
endive turnip greens
green onions turnips
kale watercress
* peas and green beans are legumes so technically off limits.