Articles | 4/5 | Body Solutions

Meal Strucutre On Paleo

  So now that we have some general info on what Paleo is, what foods are acceptable and why (see previous posts if you missed them) its time to learn how to eat! As you can see from the above image its really pretty simple.  Eat this...

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Bacon: to eat or not to eat?

Common question and like most answers, it's a long one!  The acceptable meats are Paleo are: chicken lean beef lean pork eggs turkey and all white meats all wild game versions (bore, elk, deer, etc) fish-wild caught or bpa free canned versions bison The rule of thumb is no "Frankenstein foods" so no hot...

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Women SHould Lift!

Women SHOULD Lift! We asked this question all the time.  Most of the time when someone is trying to change their body they think they really only need to do cardio.  This is true if you want to gain body fat, lose muscle tissue, slow down...

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Soft Tissue Work and Being Pain Free

 Soft Tissue Work and Being Pain Free   At Body Solutions  we deal with clients in both a private and group setting.  One of the things we work on most often in the private setting is injuries.  Everyone has them, some minor, some severe.  Our goal is...

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Sleep it Off For Fat Loss

Sleep it Off For Fat Loss Having trouble losing fat?  Well first make sure you are: 1. in a caloric deficit 2. eating the right food choices 3. doing both strength and cardio weekly (5 hours a week of activity is the goal) 4. watching your sugar intake to...

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How to Hire a Trainer in Overland Park KS?

How to Hire a Trainer in Overland Park KS? What do I look for when hiring a personal trainer?  This is a really common question.  What to look for, what certifications are good, do I need a trainer with a degree, etc.  Like all industries you...

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How Bad is Alcohol for me Really??

How Bad is Alcohol for me Really?? Besides that fact that you could end up like the guy in the pic on the right, the answer is usually the same, "terrible!"  But perhaps a little education on why that's our answer.  A majority of clients come...

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What is the deal with Caffeine?

What is the deal with Caffeine?  "So what is the deal with caffeine?  I hear many different uses and terms but not sure what any of them mean. " Well lets look at what it is, does and what its used for.  Now keep in mind...

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You May Need HCL!

 You may need HCL.. Today now more than ever so many people are handicapped by poor diets.  This creates a wicked roller coaster of not being able to absorb nutrients, becoming more hungry, less nourished, can't recover, cannot put on lean tissue or take off...

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