Something Worked..Finally! | Body Solutions

Something Worked..Finally!

Real People, Real Results…

Body Solutions Overland Park, KS

“I just had my second child.  Losing weight after the first baby was pretty easy so I thought after the second same thing right?  Wrong!  I tried everything.  I tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Jazzercise, p90x…bascially anything exercise related.  I “watched” my diet but just never saw the scale move or my clothes fit better.  And to be honest after I started working out on my own my clothes got tighter!  I was at an all time low.  So desperate I asked a friend for help and she recommended Matt Terry.  I had heard good things but still didn’t think it would work for me.  I mean I had tried everything…or so I thought.  His first plan was to redo my entire nutrition plan which I noticed a difference in how I looked and felt right away.  Then we started doing more weight training and cutting my cardio back (the exact opposite of what I had done.)  He assured me not to worry.  When I argued he again assured me, look Julie everything you have done up till now hasn’t worked, so we are going to do the opposite not the same to get results.  And results did happen!  I lost 32 pounds, got lower than I was with my first child, size 16 to a 5, and 11% body fat!  I look better than I did in high school and couldn’t be happier.  I have kept it off and still workout with Matt on a less frequent basis just to make sure it doesn’t come back!!”

Julie R.

When you are ready to make a change, contact us today for your free consult!